You keep TG going!
We just oversee it.

Meet Carey & Janet Morris

Meet Carey & Janet Morris


These two want nothing more than to help you understand the Creator of all we see.  They understand  that many have their doubts about a True,  Living God or even an understanding of how God exists in our lives especially when troubles come from so many directions.  Carey has served as an evangelist and pastor.  He is a pastor at heart and a web developer by trade. He has endured hard times in his life, which helps him to relate to many circumstances that life throws at us. Janet is a public educator with a heart for everyone.  Both of them have children, both biological and chosen as their own.  There is no greater honor than to serve the Lord as a family, especially when it increases your own family through the blood of Jesus!  Their ministry is to help others understand exactly what this means. If you attend a T⁴G public gathering, they will most likely be the ones you will meet first.

NOTE:  This is a very young ministry.  God has placed it in our hearts, but we don’t have all the details.  Please be patient as God reveals to us the people He has in mind to serve.  smile  If you feel led to help us, please make it known.

We Understand...

Sometimes you don’t always feel like we’re a part of the family of God.

We don’t want you to feel that way!